numbering of the spots        
  choice A
  • 5 red spots of various size, sometimes touching each other but clearly visible
  • spot No.4 and spot No.5 have roughly the same size  
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  choice B
  • 5 red spots
  • spot No.1 elongated
  • spots No.2 &No.4 can be linked with a thin red line
  • spots No.5&6 merge, forming a spot much larger than the others and triangular
  • the black border of the hindwing is very thin and its thickness is regular
Zygaena loti  
  choice C
  • 6 red spots of various size, sometimes touching each other but clearly visible
  • spot No.6 can be tiny and even hardly visible
  • spots No.3&No.4 can be remote from each other or touch each other