numbering of the spots        
  choice A
  • 5 red spots of similar size (spot No.3 smaller), well separated 
  • spot No.4 and spot No.5 have roughly the same size
  • spot No.4 is rectangular and its longest side is perpendicular to the brim of the wing
  • the apex of the 4 wings are rounded
  • the antennae tips show a bold bulge
  • south of France only
Zygaena filipendulae
(5-spotted form)
  choice B
  • 5 red spots of various size (spot No.3 smaller), well separated
  • spot No.4 and spot No.5 have roughly the same size
  • spot No.4 is often square and well separated from spot No.3 so these two do not come into contact
  • the apex of the wings is pointed
  • the antenna tip increases regularly in size from the middle and shows no bulge 

Zygaena lonicerae

Zygaena trifolii should be considered if a specimen does not show all the typical features of Z.lonicerae, given the fact that in some French populations of Z.trifolii, a part of the individuals show spots No.3 & No.4 well separated. Therefore this latest feature must be assessed on several individuals before any definitive conclusion. In case of doubt, specialists recommend to check the genitalia (on females) in order to make the difference between Z.lonicerae and Z.trifolii.