Photo album 2011    


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    << males of Polyommatus eros - Alpes de Haute Provence (France) - 08/07/2011  
    << male of Argynnis paphia - Alpes de Haute Provence (France) - 08/07/2011  
    << female of Meleageria daphnis- Alpes de Haute Provence (France) - 08/07/2011  
    << males of Meleageria daphnis- Alpes de Haute Provence (France) - 08/07/2011  
    << male of Hyponephele lycaon - Alpes de Haute Provence (France) - 08/07/2011  
    << young caterpillar of Papilio alexanor feeding on Ptychotis saxifraga - Alpes de Haute Provence (France) - 08/07/2011  
    << Melanargia galathea form leucomelas (differing from the nominal form because of the absence of black markings on the underside of the hindwing) ; these "white" specimens were mixed with normal Marbled Whites - Alpes de Haute Provence (France) - 08/07/2011  
    << female of Zygaena carniolica with a bold red belt, which is often so in populations of the South-East of France - Alpes de Haute Provence (France) - 08/07/2011  
    << female of Zygaena carniolica whose upperside is remarkably suffused with white scales - Alpes de Haute Provence (France) - 08/07/2011  
    << Brintesia circe - Var - (France) - 07/07/2011  
    << male of Hyponephele lupina showing its typical upperside - Var - (France) - 07/07/2011  
    << mating pair of Hyponephele lupina (female on the right) - Var - (France) - 07/07/2011  
    << Satyrium accaciae - Var (France) - 07/07/2011  
    << female of Maculinea (Phengaris) rebeli resting on Gentiana cruciata - Alpes maritimes (France) - 07/07/2011  
    << Zygaena hilaris - Alpes maritimes (France) - 07/07/2011  
    << male of Pseudaricia nicias - Alpes maritimes (France) - 07/07/2011  
    << Zygaena ephialtes form medusa - Alpes maritimes (France) - 07/07/2011  
    << female of Pyrgus carthami - Alpes maritimes (France) - 07/07/2011  
    << male of Satyrus ferula - Alpes maritimes (France) - 07/07/2011  
    << mating pair of Zygaena romeo - Alpes maritimes (France) - 07/07/2011  

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