You can find a burnet by ....  
 using the alphabetic index of latin names (TABLE 1 down below)
(you can have a look at the TABLE 2 below to know the content of the species-pages)
 using the key for a visual identification -  please click here  
TABLE 1 - Alphabetic index of latin names
 (click on the latin name for accessing the species-page)
TABLE 2 - Table of content
 photo available
fam. ZYGAENIDAE male female pair egg  larva  cocoon last update
Zygaena anthyllidis 31/01/2021
Zygaena brizae        05/03/2024
Zygaena carniolica 27/04/2023
Zygaena contaminei     12/03/2023
Zygaena corsica   11/08/2024
Zygaena cynarae   12/03/2023
Zygaena ephialtes         26/02/2023
Zygaena erythrus     16/03/2023
Zygaena exulans     06/02/2024
Zygaena fausta 23/05/2021
Zygaena filipendulae   02/06/2019
Zygaena hilaris 26/04/2019
Zygaena transalpina hippocrepidis 03/02/2022
Zygaena lavandulae       08/06/2019
Zygaena lonicerae   30/01/2022
Zygaena loti   24/05/2021
Zygaena minos         21/11/2021
Zygaena nevadensis       21/03/2014
Zygaena occitanica   23/04/2019
Zygaena osterodensis       16/03/2023
Zygaena purpuralis       24/05/2021
Zygaena rhadamanthus   22/05/2021
Zygaena romeo   24/04/2021
Zygaena saperdon   15/05/2021
Zygaena transalpina transalpina     19/12/2021
Zygaena trifolii 24/04/2021
Zygaena viciae   09/03/2024