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| |  | << a Variable Burnet (Zygaena ephialtes form ephialtoides) - Aude (France) - 06/07/2018 |
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| |  | << male of Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris) alt.1500m - Hautes Pyrénées (France) - 01/07/2018 |
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| |  | << mating pair of Provence Burnets (Zygaena occitanica) - Aude (France) - 06/07/2018 |
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| |  | << male of Lesser Purple Emperor (Apatura ilia) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 07/07/2018 |
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| |  | << an Escher's Blue on the left side (Polyommatus escheri) and a Silver Studded Blue (Plebejus argus) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 07/07/2018 |
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| |  | << a False Ilex Hairstreak (Satyrium esculi) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 07/07/2018 |
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| |  | << mating pair of Royal Burnets (Zygaena sarpedon), with the female on the right - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 07/07/2018 |
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| |  | << a Spanish Purple Hairstreak (Laeosopis roboris) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 07/07/2018 |
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| |  | << two caterpillars of Osiris Blue (Cupido osiris), feeding on Onobrychis supina and attended by an ant - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 07/07/2018 |
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| |  | << a Cardinal (Argynnis pandora) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 08/07/2018 |
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| |  | << view of the underside of a Cardinal (Argynnis pandora) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 07/07/2018 |
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| |  | << a Nettle Tree Butterfly (Libythea celtis) - Pyrénées orientales (France) - 08/07/2018 |
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| |  | << female of Brimestone (Gonepteryx rhamni) - Aude (France) - 08/07/2018 |
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| |  | << two views of a chrysalis of Clouded Yellow (Colias crocea) - Haute Garonne (France) - 08/07/2018 |
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| |  | << male of Large Blue (Maculinea arion) - Haute Loire (France) - 20/07/2018 |
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| |  | << female of Large Blue (Maculinea arion) laying on wild thyme and close-up of the egg - Haute loire (France) - 25/07/2018 |
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| |  | << a mature caterpillar of Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) on Filago vulgaris - Haute Loire (France) - 30/07/2018 |
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| |  | << a Map Butterfly (Araschnia levana) of form prorsa - Haute Loire (France) - 25/07/2018 |
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| |  | << male of Niobe Fritillary (Fabriciana niobe) - Haute Loire (France) - 25/07/2018 |
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