numbering of the spots        
  choice A
  • red belt, usually bold
  • spots No.2 and No.4 are linked with a narrow line of red scales
  • spot No.3 is rather small and rounded, well separated from spot No.5 

next step >>  
  choice B
  • no red belt
  • spots No.2 and No.4 merge and form a red band
  • spots No.3 and No.5 also merge forming a red band, but these spots can simply be linked with a narrow line of red scales 

next step >>   
  choice C
  • no red belt
  • spots No.2 and No.4 merge and form a red band (band 2-4)
  • spots No.3 and No.5 merge and form a red band
  • the area between band 2-4 and the brim of the wing is filled with red scales (see blue arrow)
  • all the red markings can merge and form a single red area